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Cancer is not the whole story

Christin Ekstrand Simryd

"Your uterine lining is way too thick, that indicates a tumor!"

Thus began my cancer journey. A journey that has made me more mindful of striving to live more in the present, and letting go of worries, fears, and thoughts about what will happen. What is the worst thing right now? In this very moment. What is important in my life? How do I live it?

This book tells how life guided me towards my life's purpose of helping others in the same situation, how I experienced how a cancer journey affected me, and how I can use different tools to guide myself forward to achieve balance in body and mind, body and soul.

The hope is that some of these tools described in the book will also suit you and that it can lay the foundation for a path towards more peace of mind and joy in life.

– I would like to inspire others who have been affected by a crisis in some way – whether it is a diagnosis or in the form of something else – to work with their body and mind and in this way increase control and let go of the feeling of being a victim of the situation. We may not be able to change our illness, but we can definitely influence how we feel in the midst of it all. Simply create peace and quiet in the mind, writes Christin.

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Votes about the book:

"I admire your openness and your way of sharing so that we – including myself in particular – can learn and also find our way to inner peace and balance.
The hours I've spent with your book have made me want to start again – with your words in my head, I feel like I miss what I got from yoga, from the meditations, and from the long, deep breaths.
Thank you Christin! Take care and keep spreading your light – it makes a difference!"

"A fantastic story. Poignant and very kindly written. A book I would happily recommend. Thank you Christin for sharing your difficult journey."

"I have enjoyed your book in many ways - it is beautifully written with feeling and emotion. It was not possible to keep the tears away. But the book also felt comforting in many ways. Thank you again."

"Thank you for a great lecture about your story. So emotional and I think you are so brave and strong for wanting to tell about what you have been through. Looking forward to reading your book!"

"We said on the way home, my husband and I, that some of the things you say are actually so obvious but so difficult to live up to in everyday life. We really need to be reminded and pay attention to it, so thank you for everything you share!"

"I was very moved by your story, strong and beautifully presented during the lecture."

"Earlier last fall I read your book. I think it's good, honest and straightforward without being dramatic or sentimental. Lots of good tips for people in that situation. It gives hope."

"I have just finished reading your book and it is exciting, interesting and easy to read! And confirms that MediYoga is the best medicine forever."

"Started reading last night and had a bit of a hard time putting it down, so interesting. What a journey you've been on Christin Ekstrand Simryd. A model of wisdom and understanding. So tonight it's going to bed early to continue reading."

"Your book immediately captured me and I think that in all its parts it addresses important and thought-provoking topics. You write personally and sincerely and each part/section of the book gives me as a reader something valuable. When I met you at yoga classes, I enjoyed reading about the section on Mediyoga that you are passionate about and that helped you through your illness. There I gained further knowledge about this form of yoga, which I appreciate. I agree with you about the fantastic effects of yoga on our body and mind and your book creates recognition for me. I have not been sick in the way you were, but I had a slump in life. Just then I found you and Mediyoga, which made me feel much better and strengthen myself. Coincidence?

The chapter in your book where you write about coincidences and about angels was one of the things I liked the most. The way you describe it makes it so natural to dare to believe in something, which I certainly hadn't dared to do before. You convinced me through your book to try talking to the angels, looking for and seeing signs of them. And when I did, I want to write that I became convinced that there is something more than just us! Even if it is just a belief.

Your book is not only your story but it also contains tips for writers, if I want to read more about what you write about. I believe that yoga can help more people feel much better and if they read your book, I'm sure many would want to try it to see if it works. I will read your book again and again... and again... never want to forget the knowledge that you share about angels and their power to help us!"