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Death – not as we imagine?

Eva and Perry Forsten

Is death the end?

Or the beginning of something new?
Maybe even the highlight of life?

Hardcover - 192 pages

The only thing we know for sure is that we will die. But when, and how, and why… and what happens next are, for most of us, unanswered questions that give rise to a lot of fear, anxiety, and worry.

In this book, famous and unknown people come forward and tell about their lives on the side of death. And the vivid descriptions they give are a convincing testimony that life is eternal and continues on the Other Side because we all bring our thoughts, personalities and experiences with us to a different dimension. There, the task of man is to gain perspective on the lives he has lived on earth in order to move forward in his development - together with leaders and guides into new dimensions or back to human existence to learn and understand more about what it means to be human.

"The day you can honestly tan your own stupidity, that day you have put the spade in the ground for a new earth. Both in life and in death. Neither of them exists! It's actually laughable. And that's the beginning of a new heaven and a new earth..."

This is a reflection that Ingmar Bergman makes a few years after his death. And here you can also take part in other voices about karma, rebirth, goodness, evil, guilt, responsibility, freedom, sorrow and joy from, for example, Gandhi, Hitler, Astrid Lindgren and many more. Even everyday people who have not made a name for themselves in world history are included among the "voices" and their personal description from the Other Side about the hidden and to some extent taboo aspect of existence we are all heading towards.

Death as the pinnacle of life...!

"Everyone can remember past lives. There are a multitude of methods. And what is even more amazing – everyone can learn to look into future existences, because the future does not exist but everything actually takes place in a single conscious moment." (p. 148 – Einstein)

Excerpt from the book:


More and more Voices from the Other Side

Who are we? Partly some "acquaintances" from book one, but with new fresh additions. There is no shortage of people with us - they come in a steady stream. But not everyone is actually chosen for this task - "chosen" can be said with a certain reservation because you yourself participated in the selection. Nothing happens here that is not in harmony with our will.

With great joy and gratitude, we have seen our voices take shape in a fantastic book that a channel, still quite unknown to us, on the other side of the barrier has received and put together with the support and help of her husband, who has great intuitive gifts. We have received a promise from the wonderful spirit world to get to know our channels better this time as our collaboration intensifies. Both parties need to get to know each other in a mutual work that both develop through.

We're loaded! A thousand, in fact. It's not every day you get to stand in "queue" to let your experiences resonate among the living. Although we have a problem with the terminology, since the point of the first book was to make potential readers a little confused. Because who is really dead, and who is alive – and according to whose standards and under what conditions does this happen?

Unfortunately, we might say that some of you are more dead than we are. You will probably be angry and shocked by this statement, but there is a lot of truth in it. For life and death are indeed relative concepts. Not for most of you, who believe that if you are dead, you are! And either you are alive, or you are dead. You cannot be "a little" or "gradually" dead, but you are completely dead - indeed! And if you are alive, you do it, and then there is no question about it.

For us, all that is a little less obvious. Which is fine – because if existence were as categorical and finished as some of you on the other side of the barrier are, humanity would be in a pretty bad place. Being "finished" and categorical in our perceptions is nothing to us, since we have all gone through the incredibly upsetting experience of entering the dimension that so many have spent so much time agonizing over. Sweating at the mere thought of "losing" life is a horrible experience, one that most people would like to avoid. But we don't – because the only thing we seem to be really sure of when we live on earth is that we will die one day.

Then when we die, that self-evident truth disappears. And since life continues more intensely than ever, it must mean that most people on earth are wrong in that regard. If you get life and death wrong, you have a lot of other problems to contend with as well. One thing follows the other, so to speak.

Because if life continues here – which it obviously does, for everyone who crosses over – what does that mean for you?

A terrible lot! So much that it seems overwhelming. And that's why we're here for you, because you need help handling this information. When a worldview is about to be turned upside down, it's nice not to be alone.

But – some of you may object – what we say is not true. Because there are actually many "living" people who do believe in life after death. Most Christians, for example. Many Muslims too. And large parts of the East fundamentally believe in reincarnation. So is there really that much new that we have to offer??

Then we can argue that it is one thing to let the thought linger that life might, possibly, continue. Or even that it certainly will. But it is something else entirely to actually experience it, and do so in its full scope. Having an idea about something is far from the same thing as being tangibly thrown into an event and going through it with all your might – only to come out on the other side without either one or the other.

Dying is a unique thing. It's not enough to believe or read about it – it has to be experienced!

But – you might object – that is precisely what this book is about. To read about others who have experienced death and life on the Other Side. Is there any point in having such an experience described to you? Don't you have to wait until the time comes?

NO, we say. You don't have to wait. We still can't go beyond the language barriers - but we do our very best to use language to convey as much knowledge as possible to you. And we believe that our experiences can help you. Because our guides and leaders and those of our channels can create living bridges between us. This ability of theirs is completely unique.

This means that when you read this book you will be helped to transcend and go beyond the limitations of words and actually take part in the experiences themselves – in your hearts. Don't ask us how this happens – it is actually still shrouded in mystery even for us. But we are convinced that it happens. And therefore it is unique esoteric knowledge that is conveyed from the Other Side. But it is not reserved for some, or a small few of you. It is for everyone who listens and takes part in what we have to say.

We mean that you can experience death by reading about us and getting to know us and our experiences. You can "crack open" the door - if you dare! And you will, because there are no horror scenarios being painted - quite the opposite.

This book is an invitation to share the most important and beautiful thing there is – the transition to a different dimension.

We want to be more detailed this time; now we really want to tell you what it means to come here and what you go through here. We have different and similar experiences, depending on who is speaking.

The silver thread is difficult to let go of. But once you let go, it is easy. It is nice to float and be completely free for a moment. On Earth, the strongest feeling of freedom is very difficult to achieve. Many of you spend existence after existence striving to achieve that lightness – the feeling of freedom; to be able to fly, to lift off the ground and the earth and all the weight that existence suffers from, time after time.

The pursuit of lightness can become an escape. But once the silver thread shimmers away, lightness is no longer a longing or a beautiful dream. It becomes a reality – beyond all notions, words and images. You actually float, and experience the lightness of the body having disappeared and with it all its limitations.

But we should not get ahead of ourselves. Each of us should confess and tell our version of our moment of death - because who said we would only experience one? - and what happened next. Because what happened next is what you and I have been thinking about, discussing and fearing for as long as time has existed.

Will everything turn black?

Do you meet someone? God? Does it matter if you believed in him in that case? (Or even her – not if you are Muslim, though. Or belonged to some fanatical, patriarchal sect.) Do you go to heaven? Are you allowed to take animals there? Or do you get a one-way ticket to hell and burn there for all eternity? Or is it that we don't know … and will never know …??

There are so many questions. And some answers, which have been delivered a little in advance for those who have "sneaked" a little of death, for example through what you call near-death experiences.

But have you ever experienced that several known and unknown people who have lived on Earth both once and several times and have also traveled in space and worlds outside your own have spoken to you through living channels on your current planet?

For those who say they have never been touched by such messages, this book is a transformative experience. It can turn most things upside down. And we love to surprise, because the entertainment scene on this side of the counter is not that over the top. You are happy, so you don't need distractions. Existence itself is enough in itself.

We love to tell you, because we want nothing more than to share and communicate. That way we get to express ourselves in a unique way. And we know that you hunger and thirst for knowledge about this, because that is what life is ultimately about. Everything else is really trifles and inconsistencies.

Each of us has our own unique story. We are one, but we don't want to be lumped together into one person, because there are as many levels of us as there are individuals. The big difference here is that the life and death struggle is over, because one dimension no longer exists. (Death, that is).

Finally, we would like to say that you are welcome to contact us. The possibilities for this are endless. When you feel finished with our story, you will understand how to do it. Reading this book is diving headfirst into a deep secret and coming up with significantly greater knowledge and insight.

We are here for you, and you are here for us. None of us need to selfishly look after our own interests. There is nothing that we do not share.

We will see each other – eventually. We will hear each other – pretty soon. And we will be affected by each other’s energies – immediately. Because that’s how energies move. Outside of your worst invented mistake: time.