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A new dimension of reality?

Eva and Perry Forsten

Hardcover - 240 pages

It is dangerous to live – because you can die…
Anytime. Anywhere. Anyhow?

Many people are paralyzed with fear at the thought of the power and unpredictability of death. And the fear of death's unknown face can prevent many from living life to the fullest.
Often the fear is rooted in the idea that death is the end. And of course the notion that I - my personality, the core of my being, my thoughts and feelings, what has been important to other people - is all just going to dissolve and disappear.

Humanity is entering a new and crucial time, when old ideas and beliefs will be re-examined and changed. Death in particular - because the fear that has held us in an iron grip for millennia will not retain its power for much longer. We need to collectively learn and understand that the body passes away, but life is eternal and continues in a dimension still unknown to most that will become clear and transform into insight and awareness that nothing that concerns the soul and the innermost part of our being ever disappears and ceases to exist.

In this book, voices from famous and unknown people around the world speak to us from the dimension of death - that is, life. It is called here "The Other Side" and is a hopeful gospel of a paradigm shift. No one dies - everyone lives on at their own individual level and is given the opportunity to test, retest and accept what was life, or lives on earth. Everyone must embrace that dimension in order to be able to move forward, both in their own personal development and also in the collective elevation of consciousness that the inhabitants of the earth are entering.

"Death is in the illusion - everything outside of yourself, which you place great emphasis on. The soul is yourself and your karma, and they can never die because they are part of one living, eternal being.

I speak to you from the other side because you need a stream of voices to give you comfort and rest along the way. Listen to these voices, and you will understand that what the world wants to give you is empty and hollow, and has no lasting value. Listen to them, and you will understand that the gold and the glitter are in your own soul. It glitters only for you, and thus you can shine from within and spread this light to your brothers and sisters."

In this book, Sitting Bull, Martin Luther King, Marilyn Monroe, Olof Palme, Dag Hammarskiöld and Elin Wägner are examples of life's testimonies from the Other Side in a new dimension of reality.

"The voices have decided to let their love and experiences flow to us and through us, and fill us with the joy and hope they convey – partly through their presence, partly through everything they tell us. The souls share with us their lives on earth and what they are now going through and experiencing as they look back on their lives with clarity, overview and renewed insights."

Excerpt from the book:

Why we at Andra Sidaan want to speak out

We want to tell you where we are, who we are, why we are here and above all why we are speaking to all of you. You are probably wondering if we are one voice or several. We are both. We are individuals and the sum of each other's voices. We are always both, because we represent life and in "real" life there are no opposites.

You who live on your side have the idea that there are opposites and that it must be more or less that way. That is your truth.

Our truth is different – ​​we represent wholeness and fusion, and only thus do we wish to communicate with you for this is our message to you. Just as we are one with our primary spokesperson Jesus, we are one with each other. We are also one with you. This is a mystery that we will unfold for those of you who will listen.

On Earth we have lived in different ages, in different countries, and on different continents. Our names represent our different missions and pursuits – what we have done and accomplished.

Actually, this is irrelevant. What matters is who we were and are now, and what values ​​we have brought to you. Our values ​​and what we have expressed have shown who we are and what we wanted to achieve.

Intentions are always more important than deeds, because by their fruit you know the tree. And we are a tree trunk in heaven; but not in heaven above you, but within you.

So – despite our differences, it is the same basic message we want to convey to you, because we have common denominators and in the development we are going through now, we have all learned the same thing.

We have experienced the deep meaning of karma, its purpose and meaning – and thus the common karma, purpose and meaning of humanity. We can never be separated because we are on the way to the same common goal. In doing so, we want to jointly point out the illusion's creation of separation - which is our common enemy. Man is never the enemy of man, but man's main enemy is the contradiction he has created within himself and between himself and others. The illusion wants our division – we want our union.

Our voices are common because we have met. We live on different levels in the spirit world, as you will when you cross over; but we communicate with each other because we have common channels with you. The souls who live here and who are in contact with you do so for a special reason and with specially chosen guides and leaders. The supreme leader unites us all, but there are threads of energy running between us, our leaders, and you and your leaders. This is a complicated process – more complicated than the physical system and the structures you have built in your physical existence that we were once a part of.

The physical is tangible to the eye – the spiritual is tangible and visible to the soul and its intuitive gifts. Therefore, our communication is only possible to share for those who open the door to their soul and their innermost being. For those who open this door, the door to eternity and unlimited possibilities opens.

The senses are a world – the one you created. The soul is eternal and speaks the language of the spirit. By using your senses but going through them and their limitations, you can reach your soul.

We do not deny the world of the senses, for we have lived in it and are fully aware of its dangers and the power structures of the ego, which have had power over us and governed our lives and decisions. But we are now anchored in the soul, and therefore we speak the language of the heart and soul. We use your words so that you can understand us, but we charge the words with the language of the heart through our channels so that you will recognize voices from the Other Side. As you get to know us, you will learn to know the eternity behind and beyond the words – this eternity that is peace and which is what we all strive for. One day we will strive there on the same level and from the same starting points.

Until then, we are where we are now. We adapt to your time concepts because they are limited and we must do so for you to understand us. We work and speak from the existence of a deceptive veil and the ego that you experience stands between us.

Neither you nor we desire any enemies. Enmity is a sign of distance and distance, which creates unhappiness. All your tragedies carry elements of separation and division. Your dichotomy, your division into life and death, happiness and unhappiness, male and female, right and wrong are signs of a divided thinking that constantly points to the contrasts; the incompatible.

We are here to give you an alternative. The transformation of human consciousness has always been there, but for you it is something new. You need to wake up and be reminded of who you are, and that is why we tell you who we are.

The time of the new consciousness has come – you who are awakening can read the signs. Jesus pointed to signs in the sky 2000 years ago – can you see them now? Can you sense that we are on the brink of a new kingdom, a new time – a new world?

You can't choose whether you want to be part of it, because that choice was already made when the illusion was created. When the illusion was created, the solution was also created. So the choice is yours – what you can choose is how you enter the process and what you make of it.

We can tell you about our karma and what we went through on Earth in different existences. We can tell you about our own dramas, conflicts, our agony and all the emotions we experienced. We can tell you about the people who surrounded us and why we chose to incarnate. That is how much we can share with you, and in doing so we share with you our knowledge and love. Our channels have knowledge and love as their main characteristics, and therefore we communicate through them. They are participants in the same process as us and you who are listening.

Our collective voices are grateful for what is happening and we offer you our joy and hope, for you need it in a dark and violent time. Your souls harbor a deep secret, and it is time for it to be revealed in the healing power of light.

Welcome to our world – and yours.

The Voices from the Other Side .