A nice book about the sun
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A nice book about the sun
by Martin
Cardboard; 64 pages
Every morning we humans have the opportunity to wake up to the sun. But have we ever awakened to the realization of what the sun really wants to convey to us?
Martin, who has severe autism, cannot speak and has never read a book, received messages from the sun to us here on Earth during one summer.
Follow his days from the lawn under the sun, where conversations, knowledge and insights follow each other in a flow of words that is Martin's own. With his words and his own way of expressing himself, he wants to show an intelligence that many of us may never have thought of. With simple words and deep thoughts, he lifts you, as a reader, closer to the sun.
Excerpt from the book:
A nice book about the sun
Throughout the summer of 2013, Martin had been studying the sun out in the garden. Every day he lay on his back on the lawn and looked up at the sun, even though he wasn’t allowed to. We were afraid he would ruin his eyes and catch a cold – but we couldn’t stop him. During our conversations together, he later told us what he had seen and experienced from the sun.
He is an adult, has autism and cannot speak at all, but writes with support. Then he shows how smart he is in most contexts. He never reads books or anything else and in his environment people do not talk about the kinds of topics he is now writing about.
Martin: I want to tell you more about the sun. The sun is the greatest gift we have ever received. It shines all the time and wants nothing in return. We cannot appreciate enough what the sun gives us. It is love and there is so much wisdom that we receive all the time from the sun. We cannot complete our human development if we do not learn to appreciate the intense politics of the sun. This means that the sun always wants us to become more aware that we have to take care of our own affairs.
I don't want to tell you everything about the sun if you can't understand that the sun now needs our help to be able to shine for us. My good intentions are that we can now help the sun to be able to spread its rays to all people. This means that we all must now understand that the sun is a great being that we cannot know much about if we cannot meditate around the sun. Then we must think of the sun as our ultimate friend. If we do not do this, then the sun's being loses trust in us humans. We can never again experience so little of the trust that the sun now has for us. We must now know that we are the ones who can appreciate the sun consciously and then we can also revere the sun in a new way.
It is a great desire of the sun that we pay attention to him.