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The Book of Eternities

Jennyli Gustafsson

Cardboard – 384 pages

Discover the divine original force behind all the world's religions and understand that unification begins within you.

Jennyli became a writer after a small, but transformative moment in her life. The sudden initiation, in the fall of 2006, opened up a channel between heaven and earth within her. The divine and eternal words poured forth in a constant flow, giving rise to three books during over the course of five years. Now this trilogy is compiled in the Book of Eternities.

Many people today are awakening to a higher consciousness and rising into a whole new light. Many call it being enlightened. The light of truth becomes visible to the eyes of the soul. It is the eyes of the soul that awaken! This can happen suddenly or through a longer period of conscious work.

All religions in the world are created by man based on different interpretations of sacred texts and the words of living masters. However, beyond all doubt, the source of all religions is ONE and the same, and it is found within man. The Incan Indians' knowledge of the living energies became for Jennyli a way to find her truth about life. For others it may be Hinduism, Buddhism or Christianity. It doesn't matter that much, as long as you are prepared to look beyond the construction itself and see what unites man in depth. The call to each one is to take matters into their own hands and discover the eternally flourishing life, there in the depths of their soul.

What the Book of Eternity offers is each person's own initiation into an awakened and enlightened state. The words from the book find their way into the soul and open door after door to the creative power of the eternal sources. What then happens is that life is resurrected and recreates the original and perfect image of the person, whose divine Self lies hidden in the seed of the soul and longs to finally bloom and show the World its true face, the face of a divine master!


In the name of the Father and the Mother and the Holy Child, I welcome you to join me on what may be the most exciting adventure of your life. You will work with us as you read. We will guide you to become the master of your own life. We will guide you to truly understand who you are. The time of awareness is finally here! The will to create, originally comes from the will to create life. Here you will receive the knowledge of how to create yourself in seven days, in the name of the Father and the Mother and the Holy Child. Amen!

God, Jesus and Mother Earth cherish showing what true communication is all about. Under the hand on the heart, God works – that is, I, through you. Under the hand on the throat, God speaks – that is, I, to you and to people. Under the hand on the solar plexus, we will create you, because you are reading this book. We ensure that your growth begins, here and now. However, we will never force you to do anything. You lead yourself, because you are God. We tell you what we know, because we want to show you the truth about life. For a wise parent, the truth is the most important thing to show their children. You are our child and we love you deeply. Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. What you create in heaven within you, you also create on Mother Earth. We feel deep gratitude that you are finally starting to SEE us and that we are learning how to create yourself. You are the creator, you are the mother and you are the father. You are the way, the truth and the life!

Prepare for the greatest adventure of your life. We see you for who you are. Now you will do it too. We see you as our most beautiful and dearest child. We see you as Jesus! You are the truth of life and for us there is only one way to the treasure at the end of the rainbow. It is that you should encounter the science that lies hidden under the hand on the chest. Adults search for every tinkling treasure chest that is to be found. The only treasure worth seeking is yourself. We do not doubt you, because you offer liberation to this World. For this we are eternally grateful to you! Thank you, dear children, for allowing us to work together with you. Thank you for accepting the reading that the Book of Eternities has to offer. Thank you for finally allowing the voice of truth within you to speak. Thank you for finally allowing your inner child to be born.

Your mother and father in Eternity!

Excerpt from the book:

My beloved child!

Greetings, greetings, greetings, you are in God's second kingdom on mother earth. What salvation in the new age is about is to free the human soul so that the belonging that man has dreamed of for so long will awaken. The serving from eternity of eternity has only just begun and the climbing on the wire as well. Longing man, God - so I sincerely hope that you now understand what you have longed for all your life. God - so I hope the journey that you are taking is considered to be the best journey you have ever taken. God - so I hope that you realize what your journey has to teach you, where you are!

Take the first step up the wire and offer me your hand and I will take it and show you the way. Where your hand is on your heart there I am. Give me your purity and I will give you my advice. The fog will lift because you ask for it. The fog will lift because you become aware of its existence. The fog will lift because the only true journey is your journey. The fog will lift because where your hand is on your heart there I am. Remember this my child! Love yourself as you love your neighbor!

The glimpse of eternity will soon take effect on mother earth. The glimpse of eternity will soon leave its mark on the hearts of people. The glimpse of eternity joins you to the company of the free. Take advantage of the time you have because you have the tool within you and the instructions before you. Therefore, sit comfortably in your favorite place and follow the instructions that I give you. Join the company of the free. Take the glimpse of eternity seriously because when the Wednesday of man is here, the training in your spirituality will come to the next level. The time of man is now! Your first training in the school of seeing is here and now. See the truth that is revealed to your inner vision and you will stretch the ability of seeing.

The guest's first encounter with paradise is within yourself. The glimmer from eternity sends the true light to Mother Earth, says God - that is, I. Faith, hope and love are the primary forms of seeing. Tuesday is here! The journey of seeing has taken a step up the ladder. Meet yourself on the victory march through the process of liberation of seeing. Human Tuesday is here and soon we will enter human Wednesday. Join the company of the free, because when Sunday is here, it is a day of rest.

God – so I say that you get the right side of creation here. The truth about the ever-growing human race is that you are trained to be human, longing for the highest truth. The truth is that if you had not longed then you would not have fought. So therefore you must continue to long because otherwise man's Sunday will never come. Man's Sunday is the day when you will stop longing. See it as the blanket you wear when you sleep. Something soft and warm that envelops you for eternity. The victory march continues until you have risen in Swaolistic light that the eternity of eternities loves. Swaolistic light expects to shine through the souls of people in due time.

The glimpse from eternity belongs to man's Tuesday and Swaolistic light belongs to man's Sunday. Man's Thursday, Friday and Saturday are considered to be the last three steps before Sunday can come. The truth about the first three steps is that you have already taken steps one and two and you are in the process of taking step three. The dice only has six numbers and that is enough because when the sixth step is taken then you can exhale. The longing ceases. The glimpse from eternity will expand to become a free flow from eternity. So when God - that is, I say that the light of truth is served in the amount that you can handle, I mean that the serving on each level is increased to the corresponding level that your soul is at.

The hearing for the third level is meant to be offered to all people. The hearing for the fourth level is offered to those who are on the third level. The hearing for the fifth level is offered to those who are on the fourth level and so on. The truth is that right now many people are rising up to the fifth step. The climb has only two steps left for these souls. The time is here when all people will rise to the third step in their development. The hearing for the light of truth will help you take your third step. Therefore, go to my school that starts from the Tuesday of man. You will without any problem take the next step up to the third step if the esoteric flow takes hold in you. The hearing for the Thursday of seeing then follows you closely in its tracks. As soon as the seeing has awakened, you are offered the next step in your education.

From the introduction to the Book of Eternities

The truth about the blue flower, about the little bird of paradise and about the sacred mother who is born there in the flower's leaf, is the truth about the new age that is coming. The truth is that we are ready to be born into the new age, where the mother of life and the father of life become equals and where religiosity takes on a new meaning. The Age of Aquarius is shaping each of us into gods. Aquarius is the one who previously carried us. Now we can see him, because we are freed from the pot he holds in his hand. Inside this pot we have swum through the Age of Pisces. Follow the voice of the heart through times of pain and through times of joy. All is well!

The Age of Aquarius is working with us because the time is ripe. No one can take the truth away from us humans because we carry it within us. The dear welcome of the truth into a new age, no longer groping in darkness. The revelations are becoming more and more numerous and the relics that you and I free ourselves from are offered to Mother Earth so that she may be lifted out of her suffering. The injuries that she struggles with, she is disarmed from with your and my help. The sharpness of your gaze and the light in your soul will be guiding in the new age. Soon we will leave the Age of Pisces and lift our consciousness into that of Aquarius. The work of getting out of the pot of science begins now. Think no more! Think, without waiting any longer! Leave the relics on the ground and take the step up onto land! It is time to spread your wings and learn to fly. Your will be done, as in heaven so on Earth!

Man is preparing for a liberation of love and people from all countries of the world are discovering the seven days of the creation story once again. Gratitude guides me to print the trilogy “The Book of Eternity” for the second time. The three books God has a plan (2007 ) , Messenger to Earth (2009) and The Earth We Inherited (2011) will now be included in a revised edition in one and the same book. With an open heart, I am allowing the very essence of the books to be printed. Thus, you are offered to go straight to your heart and to the very essence of the eternal message to man. This journey leads us out of the pot of science to the kingdom of truth and love, from where we once came. Gratitude guides us on the way. Let us now follow the path that may be the dearest journey we have ever made.

Your free life starts today!
