The Dawn Era
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The Age of Dawn - The Order of Wisdom
by Gabrielle Laurentzen
Hardcover - 320 pages including color photographs
A book filled with captivating stories, wisdom, the magic of the present and wakefulness, love and divine primal power. Here you will also encounter the wisdom of nature, mythical beings and powers, as well as messages and voices from other worlds...
With its unexpected combinations of the author's experiences, her inspiring messages, words of wisdom, healing aphorisms and captivating descriptions, The Dawning Epoch is a portal to higher levels of spiritual consciousness, wisdom, personal power, harmony and love.
Through this book, you can reconnect with the higher loving power that we all have within us, whether we call it the Goddess, God, Buddha, the light, or something else. Through this inner connection, our lives have the opportunity to transform in ways we cannot even dream of.
The Order of Wisdom
Wisdom teachers paint words in mythical formations to the spiritually mature in divine rhythm - ancient wisdoms with sometimes the so enigmatic spiritual language. Feel free to stand under the language of wisdom and open yourself to receive the hidden riches.
An exciting journey through a book of wisdom teachings that serves the sacred whole by awakening, elevating and reminding you of your own wisdom and power. Answers the call of your innermost longing. Invites you to deeper contact with your own essence.
Votes about the Book:
"I have enjoyed every page of Gryningens Epok and wished it would never end. Luckily, I can read it again. Gabrielle writes so vividly and with such empathy that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful reading experience." / Ulla-May Nevsten, author of För dig - For you
"The Epoch of Dawn is a wonderfully beautiful book with colorful, playful words that paint a living golden web that emerges with each chapter, whose energy lifts our hearts to a higher consciousness. A book that is long-awaited, needed and absolutely timely!" / Gun Karlsson, author and photographer for Close Contact with Mother Earth
"Healing and very beautiful book with a language that goes straight into the soul. There is a loving presence in this book that follows a natural and divine rhythm. This presence deepens during the words of wisdom, connecting to one's own spirit. The Dawn Epoch speaks strongly, it is a book with great spiritual power." / Marie Karlstöm
"It doesn't get any better than this. In an unbeatable combination of Gabrielle's spiritual awakening that changed my perception of reality in depth, captivating stories, channelings, words of wisdom and crystal-clear messages, this book is written in a language that classifies the book among the most readable books I have ever held in my hands." / Bengt Larsson
"When you long for something that you may not find words for, that is so subtle that the mind cannot embrace it - then you are ripe for The Dawning Epoch - this magically beautiful book, filled with philosophy of life and loving power." / Yvonne Frank Månsson
"I only had to hold the book to know that it is one of the books I want in my bedroom. With language that speaks directly to my soul, The Dawning Epoch with channelings, words of wisdom, personal experiences and painfully beautiful poetry is a healing read that uplifts and inspires." / Anna von Schéele
"Fantastic book this! Now I understand that the higher dimensions really have great importance and power in our lives. I feel the vibration of the text in my whole body and tune into the frequency of the spirit where everything sounds so beautiful. The Dawn Epoch must be experienced!" / Carina Johansson
From the book:
The possibilities of the quantum world
& the magical power of imagination
There is a legend about a baby elephant who was tied with a rope around one of its legs. The rope was attached to a stake in the ground.
The baby elephant had been taught that it could only move within a limited area.
Many years later, the baby elephant had grown into a powerful adult elephant. Yet it remained within the same confined area, with its leg attached to the stake, despite having the strength to tear up an entire tree by the roots.
The elephant had accepted the imposed restriction.
If only it knew how easy it was to tear open the stake and wander out into freedom.
Yes, and imagine if we were all to question the ingrained limitations that so many are characterized by today. Thick, heavy or perhaps thin, light veils of mist that blur the return of the sacred confluence where mythical tones of the possibilities of possibilities prevail.
It's time now to set our sights on the vast fields of space where possibilities of possibilities exist.
This time you are invited to rediscover ancient, resonant tones of wisdom and freedom, with practical guidance and scientific evidence.
For deeper insight into the smile of the wisdom of thoughts, we approach this on a, yes, a little more practical level and now touch upon the magical, infinite world of quantum fields.
Quantum reality is the womb of creation, the invisible world where the visible is formed. In this shimmering world there are no definite things, only possibilities. Here everything is woven together in an indivisible whole.
In this infinite realm of possibilities, there is something called a quantum leap, a quantum leap is the ability to move from one position in space or time to another. This happens without having to pass through any other position in space or time in between.
In the world of quantum physics, there is also a principle or law that states that a situation/event is matter/particle, while at the same time being a wave of energy.
And it is the intention of each person that determines whether we see a wave or a particle.
Before a subatomic particle is observed, it exists only as a virtual particle. To create a situation/event in this reality, an observer is needed. In this way, all events are virtual until the moment they are observed.
Evidence that completely destroys illusions of separation and reveals the eternal connection to everything.
Any simmering pots of doubt may be dissolved by the same revealing reasoning of science that the spiritual masters, somewhat silent, distant and inaccessible, have lived by and taught to the mature, for thousands of years.
Your and my spiritual, physical structure is an expression of the same quantum field that forms the basis of everything in the universe. We are small components that reflect all of humanity.
Here we imagine drops in the ocean. If we compare that, each of us is a drop. We are also the ocean, which we liken here to the universe.
A fantastic and hopeful realization then becomes that the power and magic are constantly available because we are already all of this.
In this realm of possibilities, we make contact with an energy that lies beyond the earth while at the same time being connected to it.
The all-pervading spirit is the life force that gives rise to everything that is realized. Pervades all space and all form, and we are all a part of it. We are in an impersonal and highly intelligent life space that is everywhere around and within us.
This is a key to the realm of astonishing possibilities of insight, a key of pure gold. And this key is available to anyone who so desires.
We are small parts of this magnificent universal nature where infinite possibilities prevail.
All this, closer than the breath we breathe.
When we recognize the universe as one with ourselves, the infinite nature of the entire universe responds, illuminating the dawning twilight of the landscape.
The dawn is here the moment we acknowledge it.
It is when we believe that life is governed by chance, necessity, or luck that life becomes a concoction of reactions without discernible order.
Not until we give up the false image of ourselves as separate with individual intelligences do we approach clairvoyance.
It is about affirming the universal, that we are a drop of this sacred infinite realm, that our entire being is one with all that exists.
This knowledge provides fantastic opportunities to apply this quantum consciousness to our way of seeing the world.
It shows that on a physical plane, we are not just physical bodies, but fields of infinite possibilities, unified with all that is the universe.
One possibility in this is that we ourselves choose to experience our bodies as physical or as a network of energy, transformation and intelligence.
This is not a world of possibilities anymore, but a universe of infinite possibilities.
The quantum world consists of a structure of oscillating energy fields.
Something interesting is that quantum field is spontaneous and resists all attempts at precise definitions. At the same time, everything is connected in this field. Hmm …, let's say a disturbance occurs somewhere, then it affects everything in this field.
The quantum world consists of an infinite network that is completely unpredictable and has unlimited energy. This magical world is not inhibited by established norms, but is, we can say, enthusiastic, flowing and spontaneous.
And it is from these qualities in this cosmic shimmering quantum reality dance that a new universe is created moment by moment. In the same way, when you are spontaneous, flowing and enthusiastic, you can re-create yourself.
An enthusiastic mind stands in radiant harmony with the multidimensional, multisensory universe we are all a part of and opens doors to entirely new experiences of ourselves.
Knowledge, softly falling like gold dust from the sky
Dispels clouds of doubt
gently landing in each one
who wishes to receive
and filled with wonderful opportunities