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I just want to be nice.

Stephanie Brown

An autobiography

Danish binding, 304 pages

At the age of 23, Stephanie's heart stopped, as a result of starving herself to the weight of a feather. As she lies there in the large hospital bed, she is not afraid of dying. Her greatest fear is about something completely different, namely that she will have to gain weight and become fat. The pursuit of perfection and her desperate attempt to fill the void within her, caused her not only to starve herself to the point of death, but also to undergo three breast surgeries, a nose job abroad and finally to allow herself to be sexually exploited by a plastic surgeon for cheaper cosmetic procedures. The self-hatred that knew no bounds and the fear of not being good enough finally made her not want to live. When no one, neither the medical profession, friends nor family, believed that Stephanie would ever get better, she turned, against all odds.

The story of Stephanie's life is dark, painful and very tragic, but also filled with light, courage and strength. She is an example that anyone, regardless of adversity, upbringing, or destiny, can defeat the voice within us all that tells us we are not good enough. Because today she knows that everyone can find the inner strength and will needed to be free. It is not an easy journey, it takes hard work and it hurts. But most importantly, it is possible, remember that!

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