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Life according to animals

Ami Sundeman

Hardcover, 304 pages with color photographs

On the meaning of everything – according to the animals

"I have learned more about life in this book than in any other book about the meaning of life that I have read." ❤️ /Lena

When Ami Sundeman understood that animals have universal knowledge that we humans have forgotten, she wanted to know more and asked the horse Trolle for a deeper conversation. He gave his permission, but had one requirement – ​​what he told her could not be diminished in any way. With that agreement, they met in the horse paddock on a beautiful summer day. Ami asked complex questions about our existence and received astonishing answers.

The conversation with Trolle was the beginning of this groundbreaking story where horses, dogs, cats and cows give their view of life from an all-encompassing perspective. They believe that we humans have a narrow view of existence and that it limits us. Life could actually be both simple and magnificent.

We learn that all animals have an important mission, to awaken human emotions and empathy. When we are curious about our inner self, we get to know ourselves and can better understand how everything is connected. Humans have a crucial role in helping us create harmony in the world.

So – what is the meaning of life? What happens when we die? How was everything created? How do animals communicate? These and many other of the big questions we ask ourselves, animals provide answers. With great patience, they guide us to a greater understanding of existence and clarify why change needs to start with ourselves. Animals are our friends and want to give us hope in a chaotic world.

Kon Alma: "We animals are supposed to help you humans understand who you really are. That's why we are on Earth."

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Article in the magazine Nära 2022:

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This is what Gabriella Engdahl, who is the store manager at Klackenbergs Böcker & Papper in Tumba, writes. The review is her personal opinion:

"This is a very special book. Now that I've finished reading it, I'm thinking: what if this could be the book of the century.

Ami Sundeman is an animal communicator and medial guide. In this book, she talks on a spiritual level with some animals about our existence and they give her their view of life. It is Kosmos that helps Ami interpret what the animals are saying. I know Kosmos from Ami's first book ("Kosmosdialogerna", together with Anna Lytsy).

Ami begins the book by telling about her first encounters with animals in childhood and how working with animals became her career choice. A chapter that brings tears to my eyes. It is very beautifully written.

Then come her encounters with the horse Trolle, the cat Rizzan, the dog Peggy and some cows at a dairy farmer's. What the animals tell us overturns, to say the least, quite a lot of what we humans experience and believe. Sometimes what they tell us is completely incomprehensible, but Ami asks follow-up questions in a very good way. She herself is sometimes speechless. This can be difficult to believe depending on how open-minded you are. You have to be receptive to the message the animals tell you, otherwise it is easy to brush it off and start talking about the lack of scientific evidence and proof. Just like the animals say we are! That we humans are stuck in templates and cannot think freely and openly. We are too stressed and feel too bad, which is quite true...

At the end there are some short stories where Ami meets a couple of elderly people with dementia who had lost their ability to speak and make themselves understood. This is also incredibly interesting and it shows that even in that area there is a lot to explore. A lot to listen to! Maybe in the next book.

I think this is very exciting. It's so big and can be hard to take in. And also hard to explain. The best thing is to read the book! It should definitely be read by everyone who has animals or eats animals. It really changes your view of animals and our whole world. And that we and the animals would be capable of a change to something much better than what we have today.

Amis' book touches me very much and is close to my heart. I really hope it reaches people because it has an extremely important message for all of humanity."/ Gabriella

"I love seeing life from different perspectives. In this book I really get to do that. Ami is also very good at giving vivid descriptions of the environment. If you like having your worldview overturned, I really recommend this one!"

"I want to thank you for a fantastic book, Life According to Animals. I read it for a long time because I felt like I wanted to digest all the information. It resonated with me a lot and what you write, which animals convey, is connected to the worldview and perception I have about what life, death and spirituality are – big and magical and so fantastic that it is hard to take in! I have read many books about spirituality over the years, have always been interested in the questions, but there are a few books that stand out as being extra valuable to me, and yours is one of them."/ Sofia

"Thank you for Life According to Animals! It has given me many new insights into communication and different perspectives on life. I have become closer to my cat, but also to other animals. Fantastic! Many thanks!"/ Annika

"Your book is both fascinating and confusing. Trying to read the book as Trolle, Rizzan, Peggy and the other animals "require", no questioning, no attempts to intellectually refute anything they want to convey. The whole universal side of existence: is there eternal life, can one change existence from human to animal, and vice versa. The last thought is completely new to me, but why not? I am very touched by the animals' need to be taken seriously. Continuing to read the book with joy and respect for both you and the animals!"/ Kerstin

"It felt so incredibly exciting to be taken into your world, with the help of your beautiful and captivating language. I felt like I wanted to stay there. To hear more, know more and, not least, read more books written by you. Thank you for the enchanting, wonderfully inspiring reading session!"/ Teresia

“I have now read your book. It was a real eye-opener! The best book I have read in a long time! I am so grateful that I got to read it. Thank you very much!”/ Irene

"Just got the book. Had to work but started reading and was hooked straight away. Can't stop. How cool he is, Trolle! Felt like I was sitting there with you in the garden and even when you were talking to the dog Peggy."/ Carina

"What a fantastic book you have written! It is absolutely incredible what the animals tell us. You are incredibly affected and touched. Imagine being able to get that information, that you got to be a part of it, and then me myself through your fantastic book!"/ Anette

"Thank you Ami, for raising awareness of the perspective of animals, which modern man has distanced himself from. Animals can help modern man to listen inwardly and get closer to the source, the divine. The animals are already there."/ Kent

"I love your wonderful book! There is a lot to learn and take in and understand. Also a lot I already knew, but not that the animals were so enormously knowledgeable about this. Energy is the answer to most things, but also difficult to understand for us poor earthly people. Thank goodness for souls like you and others who can help us understand energies. You are indeed brave! I have just read about Trolle and love him so much. Thank you so much for your book. A real treasure!" Fia

"I'm learning a lot while my jaw drops. I also recognize myself in your upbringing. That being so empathetic and feeling for animals that it could be difficult. Thank you for all your work with Life According to Animals. So important and so educational and affirming for me. Now I'm entering an even clearer cosmology, if you can call it that. For me, the world is turning right." Åsa-Lo

"I've now finished reading the book and I'm almost speechless. It was hard to put down. So many thoughts, insights and questions. I've even been thinking about it during the day when I'm not reading, it's kind of been there. Thank you so much for this book!" Anne-Mai

"I have now read the book and have a nice feeling that more and more people will embrace this worldview that the animals and the Cosmos paint for us. I also love the ending where you invite us to find our own connection, so rewarding to share. It may sound silly, but I am proud of what you have delivered to the world with this book." Stefan

"It's absolutely fantastic to read it, it feels like there's a connection with the animals being interviewed." Albert

" I talk to all the animals now after your book. With the fly here at home that sat on my heart when I did an exercise for the heart chakra, for example. It is also easier now to not see the pets so dependent on us but that they really have their own desires and ideas too. It takes away guilt and stress from me. I now focus even more on getting in touch with the source. It also takes away stress. I want to be like the animals. I already feel more in touch with them." Marie

"I have just finished reading your wonderful book. I think it is absolutely fantastic. I think it is innovative in many ways. I have been a seeker all my life and have therefore read a lot of spiritual literature. But nothing like this, your book fills a kind of void. Enough because I knew that animals are much more intelligent and much more sensible than we usually believe, but in this way! It is revolutionary to think in these terms. At the same time so simple, they are connected to the world soul/everything/God, we are not that, we have forgotten. The argument that we have forgotten feels familiar, but that we have so many beings so close to us who are constantly connected, to this total extent, it feels new. And that the animals are here almost solely for our sake, to awaken compassion/empathy, that is an incredibly fantastic thought. If there is something that is missing on earth, it is human empathy ... I also think that the book is permeated with the message of love in a nice way, that is love, in the broadest sense of the word, which is what everything boils down to... The cosmos and the animals also serve up a whole cosmology. Very exciting!" Johan