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Light from the North

Yvonne Frank Mansson

Cardboard - 192 pages

"The snow fell slowly over the old family farm and lay like a thick white blanket over all the buildings, over the fence and over the tall pine trees. It was quiet and still. Siljan lay frozen below the slope and sparkled in the white light. It was just before midnight and the seven friends, excited and moved to tears, sat in front of the fire. This evening would change their lives forever. Now the time was ripe for their mission to wake up, to help awaken humanity and receive messages from the Universe."

This night in October 2008 was magical for me and opened the gate that led to an uninterrupted channeling of messages from higher Universal Intelligence. I had to go through many trials in this work, doubted and thought of giving up several times. But something made me continue.

At first, the messages were difficult to interpret, strangely worded and somewhat jarring in their design. The first light group that communicated through me was Siljans Herrar, who will be introduced in more detail in the book. As I got used to the frequency increases, the messages became clearer and clearer. Together with my friends, I started Siljans Måsar Förening and it has today branched off into Siljans Måsar Förlag.

Two more books are in this trilogy "Light from the North" and together contain 255 core messages with keys to each person's individual liberation in the power of thought, to the exploration of our Selves and to the Truth.

Yvonne Frank Mansson


In Times when time did not exist, a seed was sown by the Creator along the banks of the Siljan River. This seed germinated and developed and is today all that you see on your Earth. You have lived through all the stages of this seed's development and have now reached the final exam of your enlightenment here on Mother Earth.

With our deepest love for Humanity, we have asked to contact you and help you across all the thresholds that you now face during this last dark hour of your lives. So that you can then face the new Golden Tomorrow, with pure and loving minds, with beauty in your eyes and with joy in your hearts.

Times are changing now, but if you will only learn to trust and constantly seek the light, you will walk protected until you reach the Golden Morning Light. Your light will help those around you and bring comfort and security along the way. The light is now stronger than the darkness.

Interpret the messages as if they were for you, right now. For that is how it is meant to work for you. As readers, you are all messengers of this mission of the Light. The Light guides you, follows you, and supports you in all things, until the new Tomorrow shines upon you all.

Our messages to you in this book are a gift from the Universe, to be used as a tool in all aspects of your lives. Feel free to read a message when you are feeling well, read one out loud when a fellow human being needs your support, and also read a message when you are crying inside. You are never alone, you are Gods on your way home – and we are following you.

We are always close to you and light the way ahead of you.

With all our love!

Universal Light

Excerpt from the book:

Message 9

We seek and you find. Sometimes you seek and we find. Everything is a flow of our shared actions and thoughts. You think you think. We know that thinking comes from us, from the source. To understand that you as a human being are a recipient of a constant flow of information from the Divine, you cannot take that into your systems. But everything comes from the infinite Divine, even your thoughts; good and bad.

In your behavior there is no evidence as you see it, that God is the sender of your actions and your thoughts. But the day you truly understand that everything is connected, that there is no separation between you and God or between you humans and Mother Earth, that day you will reach enlightenment. For everything is in the Divine source, all the information you have ever dreamed of. You just have not understood that the way there is through yourselves. No one else knows the way for you – only you – through your Divinity.

This is the subject we want you to make your fellow human beings understand. But first you must understand it through all your cells in your own bodies. This insight not only leads away from the feeling of loneliness, it leads to the child's curiosity for the unknown and the development of learning through new discoveries. You have everything to draw from Divinity. But above all, you must dispel people's loneliness. It only triggers fear and despair and we no longer need that time. It is over - so that you can move on. By realizing the infinite possibilities of contact you have within you, no one will need to be alone anymore. Access to this source is for everyone and there are no exceptions here.

To listen to your inner dialogue, your heart and your own Divinity is to acknowledge the Creator and His will for you. To reach Him is to reach yourself. He is always the first thought within you, the first feeling you get in every context and always the first voice that reaches you from within. But for millennia you have closed the door to this source and instead listened to your parents, your superiors, your rulers and the pressures of your societies.

Now is the time to free yourself from these illusions and instead let your own Divinity speak in every situation, in every moment. Just as it takes time to learn to ride a bicycle, it also takes time to learn to discern that still, small voice within you. But ask it to come forward, welcome it and embrace it in your life. Because after that, nothing will be the same. You will live and walk around with an ever-present companion within you, who will never leave you even for a second. You will radiate your Divinity through your eyes and out into your aura, so that everyone can share it. It also allows others to find their Divinity – and the world will become Divine!

We know that it is not that easy for you – but it is actually that easy! Now, however, you are to give reference to the big attempt, the big step, so that it gains a foothold and can manifest in humanity. All small steps together lead to big progress together. First, train yourself, note the changes that occur when you dare to say no to the boss, because you have another, and often much better suggestion within you. Or when instead of reacting angrily in irritating situations, you listen inward and ask your Divinity what the event reflects and what you can learn from it.

If you knew how much wasted energy you have consumed by following wrong signals and patterns in your lives. Changing the moment of empathy to something Divine causes your systems to immediately slow down and thus much less energy is consumed and your cells are not agitated at all. The body needs its calm and harmonious balance and your thoughts have time to review the situation with a holistic perspective that can prevent war – we know!

Breathe often, breathe a lot and breathe consciously. In your air there are these small particles that help you in your construction of new development possibilities. There is cosmic nourishment, power and energy. So let us breathe – for we breathe through you and you breathe for us and together we breathe with God. All in an unchanging vibrating rhythm that encompasses everything and also includes everything. In breathing you find the entrance to your Divinity and the exit to the source of infinity.

In our meetings we are together through breathing. We meet your exhalation as we inhale and you meet our exhalation as you inhale. Therefore, we are all one in the breath. See Mother Earth breathe through the wind, through the rain, through the giving and taking of the seasons. A long deep breath that she wants to share with you. Learn to breathe at her pace and you can learn to hear her voice and her heartbeat. For everything is there, right before your eyes, in front of your ears and in front of your noses and mouths.

You are equipped with such gifted tools that you don't even notice them in your existence. You take too much for granted.

The next moment we are here, the next there. The flow takes us to moments that constantly surprise us. Follow your own flow. Give up the feeling of constantly going against yourself. Dare to leave the familiar and patterned path and instead follow the light, where everything tickles, where everything feels peaceful and exciting at the same time and where nothing stands in the way of your inner Divinity. For it is your key to the life you have always dreamed of. You have had it all along.

We love you at all times!

Mary Magdalene


Archangel Gabriel

See you tomorrow!
