Light from the North - Part 2
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Light from the North - Part 2
Yvonne Frank Mansson
Cardboard - 192 pages
"In stormy waters there is always a stable core of calm, in the eye of the hurricane there is always a backbone of steel and in all the turbulence and chaos that prevails, there is such an intelligent Order that it blinds. Siljan's Seagulls made it through the first time's resurrection and found their core, their Trinity. That strength is unwavering and together with four constantly rotating friends on Earth and two friends from the spiritual realm, they now continue their journey into the light."
We ask to continue the raising of the frequency on Mother Earth and send through this book, even higher energies of consciousness. With guidance you reach the point where you can discover your higher self and connect with the Divinity within. In this realization, in this journey through life, peace and trust arise, in the light of our Creator's love. There are no limits for humanity. You are limitless in consciousness and in love.
The messages want to give a taste of what you can actually achieve in communion with Mother Earth and her nature and how you can find the joy of creation and inspiration in your lives. Read the message that you spontaneously open and take in the clues that you need during the day. Learning to dare to face your resistance, learning to dare to believe in yourself and to completely surrender your Self into the trusting arms of the Creator, is to get in touch with your Self, your inner essence, where love glows in the source of origin. There is no other path than the path of light, in total communion and in peace and harmony with yourself. We are with you through the Day!
Light from the Universe
Excerpt from the book:
Message 1
At significant times we always initiate contact with you. Many of you have this contact. But you believe it comes from yourselves. Nothing comes by itself. In all creation there are always three ingredients to obtain a whole. You are the whole of the Creator, the Universe and Nature. You are the Everything in your Universe, the Answers to all secrets and the Manifestation of the highest Creation. You possess everything – without knowing it.
The time is now here to clear up your thought processes, so that your true Self can emerge. Everything will happen very quickly and you will not have time to understand everything that is happening. Therefore, your Trust is the ingredient that is most important to you now, in cooperation with your Calm and your good Conscience. These three qualities give birth to a secure awareness within you, which can withstand the speed of time and the flow of information. Stand tall in the headwind and you will feel the warming hand of our presence on your cheek. For nothing is further away than a thought and everything cooperates.
In these trials, stand by your side, focus on your inner self and turn your mind towards your inner Universe. For your outer existence cannot give you more of what you seek anymore. The balance exists between these two extremes and in this equilibrium you will find your home.
In the most beautiful moonlight we dance when we see your loving actions towards each other. These movements we evoke, give you vibrations of more taste for union. In fear, no dancing vibrations thrive. They fall down and die. Therefore, we dance continuously for you and for the development of life in community. In the dance there is freedom and genuine feelings that the body cannot deny. A harmony is formed between the movements and the void between them, which creates this stimulating vibration, which we transmit to you. In the center of the vibration is the essence of the source and origin of the Universe. Everything finds its home in the end. To dare to dance when the surroundings are burning, is to recognize your God within. To dare to dance when the winds are howling, is to listen to your inner Divinity. To dare to dance when time is running out, is to lean back into the arms of your Father – where the beginning and end of everything have their center.
Movement is for your ability to express your body language with nature. In dance you become one with all Creation and see yourself as a light in the darkness. We want to increase this light with our dance for you. In the moonlight, the subtle vibrations of these invisible movements are reflected to all corners of the Earth and everyone is affected more and more quickly. Everything is happening at an increased speed now. But we hereby ask you to focus on maintaining calm in all this speed. See it, but do not let it stress you out. Be in yourself as many moments as you can – do not be in other people's situations. Seeing yourself as a link in a lifelong chain can be helpful in preventing you from trying to hang on to as many chains as possible at once. It only weighs down the other chains and delays their progress. You are your own link – no one else's!
In your time when everything is rushing, think of yourselves as a whole. Know your Truth within yourself and draw your strength deep within your Divine source. For no one can contribute to your own development like She. You gladly reach Her through the dance, in the moment of whirlwind, when no thought intrudes. Meet Her there and give Her your attention. You will receive all the appreciative gratitude back. Use Her security in your social life towards others. See your fellow human being for the mirror image of yourself she is and gratefully accept the support from your inner self, when you do not understand. Instead of blaming others, listen to your inner voice and let the Divinity speak. Then the conflict will never arise, but you will reflect yourself in the insightful answer.
Your consciousness is now mature enough to come to these, often so difficult, insights. Your pride has shrunk, your Ego has lost much of its strength, and your desire for revenge is diminished beyond recognition. Here we leave you for tonight – with yourselves in the swirling moment of insight of the dance.
With all our love!