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Light from the North - Part 3

Yvonne Frank Mansson

Cardboard - 192 pages

"To take root is to give up one's exterior and share one's Self in one's own depth. Siljan's Seagulls and friends got to experience a deep dive into the core of Mother Earth, to create the root system that can carry them through storm and fire, through oceans of emotion and peace, and through flow and resistance. Now is the time for the seed to germinate and stretch out its beauty in full bloom, between the loving vibrations of Mother Earth and Mother Cosmos."

The entire Universe is with you on this journey, through the coding of the letters in these books and provides you with the activation that the handover of the 255 core messages from the Creator Force entails. The Universe hands over the insights to your inner Divine forces and sets you free in this exploration of your Self. You now have access to the All, you have all the keys to the Truth and you have love as the answer to all your problems. Now you only need to use your free will to activate this new phase in your life, the journey of discovery that takes you to infinity and the awakening that releases your Divinity.

The primal forces of the universe now meet the primal forces of Mother Earth in humans. This is an incredibly strong activation that will change your lives forever. We ask you to hurry slowly, to take one step at a time, to wait for each other and to be patient. For in the Divine patience that opens within you, joy of life and creative power are awakened from inexhaustible sources. Renewal, expansive energy exchanges and courage in your approaches will strengthen you in your thought work. You think well, you act with good intentions and you send the eternal flame of love forward through your enthusiasm. Reading the messages is giving yourself of the spiritual nourishment that is now activated on your Earth.

Mother Cosmos

Excerpt from the book:

Message 2

Beyond the wind, beyond the cold, beyond your dark atmosphere, behind the stillness and in complete enlightenment, we exist in the Silence of Truth. Our entry into the light of the Atalantas is calculated according to different time elements than yours, but in our certainty, time on Earth is now in the bar, that we can reach you in reduced form.

Our being is not something that your mind can yet imagine. We follow our thoughts and travel with them in the unlimited space of God's Universe. We cannot reside on Earth ourselves, as our frequencies are of a different kind than yours. You would not be able to handle our presence either, but through the light of the Atalantas we can communicate with you without anyone burning up in this glow. Our choice of time for this dialogue is part of a series of meetings that have been arranged at the gathering of the Most Highs in the Kingdom of the Central Sun. Many are the planets and galaxies that now direct their attention to Earth and her delicate situation.

Our part in all this is to light the uppermost receiver antennas that are built into your cells, to activate your entry into the next cycle of your life existence. You are important links in the structure of the Universe and therefore of the highest importance to many parts of the kingdom of God, as your light will illuminate our common future. We use the simple vocabulary of the receiver here, to make you all understand. The word future does not exist within us, but we need to make ourselves understood by as simple means as possible, for your sake.

All spiritual literature works according to the Universal Laws, which means that the material sent to you meets the reader for whom it is intended. You can liken it to a love affair, where two people are drawn to each other. This behavior also works between humans and material things on Earth, as everything vibrates with energy and can be read with your senses. A fellow human being who is further along in his development than the signals of these messages, only notes the material and moves on. A fellow human being who has a bit left to the light, does not even see the material. Further fellow human beings who hinder their own development due to fear, are unable to read the texts. You who are reading right now, are the ones who will carry the subtle energy signals forward, by being in your development with your awareness of the greatness of life beyond your curtain of darkness and illusion. You are little Gods, set on green pastures to discover what tastes good and what tastes bitter. You are growing through your experiences and can now look back on a fantastic chain of development on Earth. But what have you achieved and what do you still have to realize?

We have traveled through thought, in the eternity of light, to meet your questions. Our messages are formulated according to the pattern that you have chosen to work through and we will design 226 different light lessons before our task is completed. We are each in our own whole, a link to your final phase of true development within your higher selves. We will connect you with your beings in other dimensions and bind your wholeness together into a perfect Truth that you can take in, understand and accept with your minds of today.

Our first gift in this series of developments, which you have the opportunity to participate in if your heart says yes, is to understand your own wholeness on Earth. With our thought we now create a picture in your thoughts, to make you see what we see; the Earth sparkles with little lights here and there, almost half of her surface is covered with these little lights. They are faint, but they shine. Some a little stronger, others a little fainter.

The goal is to get Mother Earth to light up the entire Universe! This can only happen if you cooperate, wait for each other and light the lights that wish to be lit with your loving-kindness to the whole and all creation. Nothing is complete until you all shine. Then you move forward as a common force of light, to create new Universes according to the rules of love in God's infinite creation process. This picture is so beautiful that tears flow from beings who have no tears, angels sing, as no notes can and colors burn in the flame of beauty, without being able to go out.

See in your thoughts how you contribute to lighting all the souls of light on Earth. Step out of your pride, your greed, your jealousy, remove all the shells of Ego and surrender to your Self. Show your true Self to your own heart, amaze yourself and begin to light up your world. When you light, thousands of lights are lit, just by your thought.

Our reverence for your greatness in this smallness that you live in on Earth, is your gift to us. The flow of light is the energy of thoughts and nothing here is left to chance.

The 226 Light Vibrations of the Tenth Dimension

through the Atalanta Light
