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Roland Angervik

Jättebra Böcker

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Miracle Cure for the Soul – The Yellow Book

Ylva Wegler with 34 co-authors

Softcover with flap, 224 pages

Is what we consider supernatural actually the most natural thing in our existence?

Miracle Cure for the Soul – The Yellow Book , contains 35 true and extraordinary stories straight from real life by ordinary people who have experienced the unusual: Near-death experiences, answered prayers, healing the impossible, help from the other side in everything from buying a home to making important changes in life. Money and support that come from unexpected sources. Mysterious phenomena and unexplained events. Also included are stories about healing the seemingly incurable and help to make important life changes as indications of the world of possibilities that becomes visible when we open up to miracles.

  • Marcus, who tells the story of when a supernatural intervention saved him as a little boy, making him understand that there is so much more than science can yet explain.
  • Sabina, who bought a house through financial help from the other side.
  • Marita, who lost her sight and was awakened in the middle of the night by a supernatural voice. After that visit, she regained her sight.
  • Camilla, who experienced a supernatural event, which led to the healing of a dark relationship from the past – through the power of forgiveness.

The Yellow Book is the third part of seven in the book series Miracle Cure for the Soul.

The stories in Miracle Cure for the Soul can remind and inspire us of all the possibilities of life.

Agneta Sjödin


Agneta Wahlström lhr, Ann Sjöholm, Anna Melle, Ann-Charlotte Gustafsson, Camilla Ronge, Carina Holmström, Carola Rydh, Christine Berggren, Elizabeth Sandberg, Eva Schlosser, Eva Sundén, Jenny Lindgren, Jessica Jäger, Lena Eriksson Virensjö, Maarit Lappalainen, Marcus Kanewoff, Margaretha Fahlström Westin, Maria Arén, Maria Björkman, Maria Ekberg, Maria Gaunitz, Marita Oinonen Larsson, Rafaela Sjöström, Sabina Håve, Sanna Kjellröier Nordin, Shaeen Hansdotter Svanede, Sofia Hasselbom, Sofia Singemo, Susanne Holmberg, Susanne Tjernberg, Therese Danielsson, Ulla Broström, Ylva Wegler, Yvonne Frank Månsson, Åse Geschwind

Cover artwork: Louise Hävre

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