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My life with three severely mentally disabled and two normal children

Hilke Osika

Cardboard soft touch, 128 pages

Do we choose our parents before we are born? Have we chosen all the challenges, joys and difficulties that face us in life? Perhaps we are here to learn to appreciate setbacks and accept them as gifts along the path of life.

Hilke was born in Germany in the 1930s, into a family that put her up in the attic when guests came over, so that she wouldn't "disturb".

In this book you follow a woman through a different life. There were golden little moments, difficult moments, sadness and pain – as in all of our lives. Hilke also had the beautiful task of becoming a mother to five children, three of whom are autistic, which made her understand her life's mission seriously.

Follow along through a life filled with curiosity, mischief, and solid life experience.

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More books by Osika:

An autistic person's experience of Christ in our time , Erik Osika

The book about our karma , Erik Osika

Rembrandt as I remember him , Andreas Osika

Elementarväsen , Andreas Osika

Memories of Past Lives , Markus Osika

Training in Communication with Support , Hilke Osika