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The Journey of the Soul

Ancient beliefs in a new light

Torbjörn Skånberg

Softcover, 288 pages with color photographs

Our ancestors believed in reincarnation. This is according to civil engineer and archaeologist Torbjörn Skånberg, who in his book “The Journey of the Soul – Ancient Faith in a New Light”, highlights the traces of the oldest beliefs and compares them with Christianity and the beliefs of our own time. The book shows our need for faith in a higher ideal and in good living rules in the future.

By studying the remains of ancient people, the author has come up with new explanations for why their tombs were constructed in a certain way, how they explained the seasons, and how they viewed life after death. The author also puts forward a theory that can explain many rock paintings and carvings.

The oldest Norse goddess has her counterpart in other hunter-gatherer peoples in Europe. The ancient people had contacts with the rest of Europe, examples of this are shown partly through early finds of objects and partly through modern DNA technology which proves that immigration has taken place, where ideas and knowledge were transferred to the Norse from Central Europeans.

The author also examines the earliest history of Christianity, what driving forces were behind its emergence and who were those who benefited from the religion. Our time is the first time in history when we consider ourselves to not need any religion. However, we need rules of life similar to those that have been the basis of many religions. By studying ancient times and comparing them with our own time, one gets an overview, a perspective on how humanity has developed. The purpose of this book is to make ancient ideas accessible, a world of ideas that I believe we can learn a lot from.

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