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Stone's journey

Anna Bergman

Cardboard, soft touch, 224 pages

Every meeting is a puzzle piece

There are many destinies of life that you and I will never get to experience, many people who just pass by. We are like extras on the outskirts of each other's lives and we leave no trace.

Sten remembers everyone he meets. They leave imprints and patterns on him that he tries to decipher in order to better understand both people and what we call life. Sten, who is exactly what his name is, loves people and is fascinated by their lives and possibilities. Being a stone, he is special; he can hear, feel and take in the thoughts, conversations and musings of the person who picks him up. Based on this, he thinks and reflects on life and what it might look like:

The man who is madly in love and dances along, the woman who lost herself a long time ago, the little boy who is as wise as only children can be, and the older man who is confusedly traveling through his memories without always being able to place himself in the right place or in the right contextand who has also forgotten his shoes.

Every encounter is unique, even though Sten may think people are more alike than different. No matter where they have been or are going, they almost always move in the same direction.
Because it is in the middle of the step that life happens.

Sample here:


"This book has so many thought-provoking stories and human destinies. While I was reading it, and still afterwards, I noticed that I looked differently at both my fellow human beings and myself. Sten inspires curiosity, understanding and reflection. We could use more of that in the world right now!

I think almost anyone can like it, but perhaps it has a lot to offer especially to those who feel a little tired of the people around them and need to find a new approach.

"Sten's journey is very easy to read and light-hearted, even though it is so full of wisdom, and is suitable both for reading in a row and for picking up from the coffee table when you have a moment to spare."


"So I have now read this book and it was a different piece of writing in many ways. First of all, I think the language is good, it is well balanced in its rhythm, which makes it easy to read. It kind of flows when reading and the "red threads" run through the different stories in a well-thought-out way so that the reader never has to hesitate.

But what wasn't so easy was the fact of all the recognitions, because I recognize myself in many parts, and I stopped reading several times for a little reflection.

Memories come to the surface again, and not all of them are so good, or friendly, but they still feel important to address, to bring them up and move on, without forgetting or hiding.

Reading awakens what has been hidden, perhaps even forgotten, from its slumber. I myself was struck by many reflections from now-bygone times and meetings, some really funny and some where it hurts, and still after so many years.

The book's various chapters make you wake up, think a little without being a brilliant analyst or too existential, and it feels good to be the little person that we all are.

Reading through this was like finding my way back to a path long forgotten. Because it's easy to get lost in the modern world we live in, and here at least I had time for reflection, the text in the book "spoke" that it's time to listen.

I like all these different encounters that happen in the chapters, the encounters that are good but also the ones that are less good, and that it happens in the present. And the message is given, live now and open your minds.

This book is inspiring in a playful way without putting any stamp on how we should behave. It is filled with goodwill and gives an outstretched hand on the path we all walk, and if the reader listens and wants to, it gives time to think a little, slow down a little. Where do I want, and why, maybe time to take some time at the next meeting, a coffee and listen.

Because what could be so dangerous about opening my eyes, daring to deviate from the long-established course I have chosen, and entering the present and starting to live?

I look forward to Anna's future works, because this one left me wanting more."

Per Stark, Sunday, January 6th in the Year of Grace 2019