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Striptease – A naked story about shedding skin
Johan Arnkil
Softcover with flap, 294 pages
– We humans are not victims but creators. We are meant to live unlimitedly and to be able to expand to our full potential.
In Johan Arnkil's book, the reader gets to experience the author's own journey where, through the difficulties he encounters, he awakens to a spiritual reality and to his inner rich world. But "Striptease" is also about the importance of living your full potential and following your dreams - and also addresses today's burning questions about masculinity and femininity.
Dying was a good start.
But that wasn't the answer.
How can I find happiness and freedom?
To find the answer to the question, I needed to continue living.
My upbringing was marked by illness, bullying, exclusion, insecurity and the death of my best friend. This led to me attempting to take my own life in September 1990. A suicide attempt that I planned for two weeks. But when I woke up afterwards and realized that I had survived, I also realized that death was not the answer.
I would never be able to take my life again, no matter what happened. Dying was worse than living, so I started asking myself, “What can I appreciate right now?”
It is perhaps the best question I have ever asked and probably the most important. That question led me away from death and towards life. A few years later I came out of a depression that had been a defining factor in my life until I was 24. Then my interest in what life is about and how we humans work grew.
This book is about discovering life and feeling more alive.
It is a book about me, as much as it is a book about you. I share my journey and my experiences to give you the opportunity to reflect on my experiences. I ask many questions to give you the opportunity to discover yourself and life.
The curtain has risen. It's time to take off the mask. It's time to step forward. How alive do you want to be?
Votes about the book:
"Reading your book, got to page 58. I'm humbled and touched. What a fantastic book you've written!"
"You deserve all the credit for everything you've done. You will be invaluable to many people in the future."
"You are an inspiration to many. Everything you give of yourself makes more people dare to follow their own path. To dare to be you and test different angles of approach to get to know more of your true self. To take back your spiritual self. You are the love, the light that embraces the world. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST BOOK, THERE WILL BE MORE. I read it and bought it for my daughters too."
Johan Arnkil, what a book you have written. I have only reached page 82 but feel a hungry curiosity about your life journey. So many tips, so many facts but still so easy to absorb. You are just so awesome and authentic. I just love this book.”
"Reading your book in a row. Sooo good!"
"It's like it's talking to me."
"Great book Johan! A deeply human portrayal where I recognize myself in much of what you write. It's so important that people open up & show themselves for real. Thank you!"
“The book is interesting and entertaining.”
"That's an interesting, appealing language you've come up with. It's like you're sitting there having a conversation right in front of me. Awesome!"
"Recognition. Laughter. Entertaining. The book was good. Since I recognized myself, I felt how nice that I'm not alone in feeling that way. Educational. Lots of tips."
"I'm sitting here reading your book, which I really like. It's grounded while at the same time being permeated by the flow of the very essence of life. I'm going to write these two sentences that I now have in front of me on my mindboard. They will be important for how I get ahead in the future. "What is needed to keep me in flow? What would a structure that benefits my flow look like?" These two are exactly what I need to focus on for what I have in front of me. So thank you for these."