Markus Osika Memories of Past Lives
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Memories of past lives
Markus Osika
Hardcover; 128 pages
Join Markus on his adventure through memories of past lives, and encounter his relationships with great artists, their choice of colors, the movements in the paintings, and how they portray life through art.
In the book, he explains how sylphs, undines, house spirits and other elemental beings can be found in Monet's artwork, so that we can understand their presence in our everyday lives. Markus has the gift of being able to reach several dimensions of life that he wants us to understand. He also travels through memories of difficult lives, where Christ is there to help ease and explain the pain. He remembers life in Egypt, stays in the spiritual world between earthly lives and lives as a mistress and an Indian, which he tells us about with empathy. But his most important message to us, who do not have the gift of seeing, interpreting or hearing the subtle whispers of eternity in the wind through our lives, is the importance of meditation and prayer. Because we are the ones who hear prayer.
Markus was born with severe autism and has no speech, just like his identical twin brother, Erik, and his older brother, Andreas. With lightning-fast movements, Markus can provide himself with treats from other people's plates. He loves the color red and likes to eat red fly agarics when he doesn't feel watched, to make himself happy.
Markus' two other siblings are doctoral students and adjunct professors of medicine, respectively. Since July 2005, dialogue with Markus and his autistic brothers has been taking place with the help of Supported Communication, primarily via the computer, but also with the help of a letter board in everyday contexts.
Hilke: As the mother of these children, I have believed for years, yes, for decades, that Markus and his two brothers with autism did not understand or grasp anything, which means that it is completely bewildering for me and his collaborators who write with him to now get to know him.
Votes about the book:
"This Sunday I skimmed through this incredibly enlightening book "Memories of Past Lives" which is conveyed through autistic Markus Osika with the help of "Communication with Support". For a long time I have understood that autistic people have a rich inner spiritual life inside their "autistic cocoon", which probably functions as a kind of protection in their healing process from difficult past lives. The book is so exciting where you can follow the threads in the fabric of life from the present back to past life experiences and also how events in history affect souls in the present in a positive or negative way, depending on what they have experienced and what they could have done. Also what the consequences can be in the spiritual law of karma that all souls are subject to and cannot escape. So interesting to follow Markus' memories from the time of the Cathars, Indian life and ancient Egypt where several of my incarnations have also been lived. Through this book I learned more about the Cathars, as my insight about them was that they knew that we had "God within" us" and the Catholic Church that persecuted, executed and burned them at the stake did not like it. Interestingly enough, one of my working tools is Aura-Soma's color therapy that I do readings with. Two of the balancing oils show that one may have lived as a Cathar and then need to heal difficult memories of persecution and execution. As Markus conveys, many of these souls have not dared to be born until now because of their difficult experiences in that life. I can attest to what Markus says, as I have encountered and worked with quite a few of those who have chosen these two bottles that show that they were Cathars!. So they are also back now, like Markus, like myself, who like Markus has memories of my past life in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. As a 7-8 year old I had this vision and in this life I have met and forgiven both the person who reported me and the soldier who captured me! This past life thing is an interesting topic that we just need to delve into when we are going to heal spiritual pain and understand ourselves with the gifts we have, the fears and phobias we have. During my 20 years of experience with Reiki, I have functioned as a mirror, where my students and clients have been able to reflect the traumatic lives that were on the surface for redemption. This has given me a very deep insight into the depths of our souls and what we carry with us under the surface. Markus has been reborn with an autistic twin brother and they knew each other from previous incarnations. I can confirm that this happens, souls meet life after life, perpetrators and victims, friends who wish to help each other in different ways or challenge us for spiritual growth. I agree with Markus that everyone who cannot speak should be given the opportunity to write with "COMMUNICATION WITH SUPPORT" so that their lives will be bearable. All the feelings and all the wisdom these souls possess need to be expressed and enrich the world! Thank you dear Markus Osika for the valuable insight into your past lives and everything you did well there, but also that you understood that you did less well and gained insights into how to weigh this all of us get to do. Wonderful to read about your vision of the colors in Monet's paintings and garden, knowing that I myself somehow see more than what nature, the colors and the plants physically show. Trying to capture it with my camera and write what comes to me. You can read that, among other things, in my "CLOSE CONTACT WITH MOTHER EARTH - book and how the forces work in a Lightworker's life in Tá-Shi-Ná. You are so BRAVE Markus who has conveyed all this wisdom to us through your book "MEMORY OF PREVIOUS LIVES" Don't be afraid anymore, no one can ever hurt you more if you don't give them permission!"
Blessings to you!
Gun Karlsson
Read about Communication with support from Hilke Osika here: